Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Cima: Computer Intelligence Make Adobe

A fellow classmate raised an interesting issue today in class.

"we're bieng forced to do graphic design [...] when i use a computer i get stuck. like, where do i go from here?"

Marcelo pointed out that creativity can be applied to every medium, everything if the person has the intent.

I'm not implying that Cima doesnt have the intent, as those of us who know her are well aware of her curly depths....but ive taken this opportunity to show her what i would do with technology....even though i have created something with my "finer" art skills.

First i grayscaled my image to see if my contrasts where suitable.

Then i reversed the image, an advantage that Caravaggio using his camera obscura didnt have. Thats why a lot of his painting were visually "tense" with more people leaning to the left rather than their more comfortable natural right sides.

Then i tweaked the colors to the potential i might have and weak point in the painting.

It's upto me and oils to figure the rest out.

Thank you all for your input today.

I especially appreciate it coming from people like you, who are so talented.

You've motivated me and made me happy to be an AUD student. That in itself, seriously......!

The Painting : Process

It's been about 2000 brush strokes since my last entry

Which explains the delay.

I have been consumed by this painting as it demands my constant attention during its birthing process, like a newborn.

I havent got much to say as I am still absorbing all the lessons the folds of fabric are teaching me (i feel i could write a song just based on those shadows), the layers of washed acrylic and the feelings present in the eyes of my subjects all hold valuable insight into not just myself in general. As most things have the potential to hold.

My next steps, altough our critique was finished today, is adding an ambitious oil coat to the work.

The underpainting, in greys and green shades as Caravaggio did

Building the contrast

Adding Color